The Remedy
What does Remedy City Church stand for?
We are committed to Bible-centered teaching from start to finish. We believe that Jesus Christ is the remedy to our deepest problem—a broken relationship with God that results in longing, emptiness, and insecurity. We aim to guide our people to deepen their relationship with God through Jesus Christ, while maintaining a welcoming, relationship-oriented atmosphere.
We are as devoted to the city of Muncie and our surrounding communities as we are to our people. Out of our relationship with God, comes an overflowing well of love for those around us. We strive to make our city better because we believe deeply in addressing the needs of our neighbors.
We are a church that goes—a church that actively prays for our neighbors, shares the gospel of Jesus, and seeks to serve the communities that need our love. When people attend our church, our goal is to help them feel loved, warm, happy, safe, and cared for.
To learn more about our beliefs, please visit our “What We Believe” page.